Artisan Stories

We pick artisans with stories and character


After her father sold a larger, more diversified operation to external investors several years ago. Bianca recently repurchased her family's brand to refocus on continuing a nearly 70-year-old tradition started by her grandfather, adding contemporary designs and making some of the finest quality silver goods in Europe.

Her grandfather would throw parties for the whole town to enjoy while dining on silver. People would return to buy silver plates, platters, and glasses to connect to the joy they created by celebrating together.

Utilizing a new partnership network of Florentine artisans, our silversmith produces both new and classic product lines and does a significant amount of custom work for select clients worldwide. 


Offering 100% bespoke, made-to-order, luxury textile creations direct from Florence, Italy. Our weavers currently work with select designers and architects in North America.

They got their start from clothing Napoleon’s army.

After 9 generations of ownership by the same family, with workers located in historical facilities that date to 1797. Our weavers can (and have over the years) make just about any artisanal fabric design you can imagine.


From the heart of the Amazon, our woodworkers start with whole trees sourced sustainably from the rainforest. They use every part of the wood, letting the natural shape of branches and joints become focal points of a piece.

The trees are selected for their dense, tight grain, which was historically used for shipbuilding.

The use of live edges and preserving thick whole wood celebrate the beauty of of nature. Our artisans believe in crafting each piece by hand to bring out the wood’s character.

Paper & Calligraphy

Our Japanese artists have hand-made paper in the same tradition for over 370 years. They are one of the oldest continuous businesses in the world, perfecting the craft since the Edo period. The founder fortuitously used the character for long and lasting when establishing his shop in 1653.

Today, our artisans are committed to preserving traditional techniques in the products they make, as well as running a museum and teaching cultural workshops in papermaking, calligraphy, ink painting, and origami.

They create different textures of paper, pulling the pulp from water. They also create masterpieces with large-scale calligraphy and block prints, hallmarks of Japanese tradition. Products include both the most traditional, authentic Japanese style and adapted contemporary designs with metallic finishes.


A beautiful family business creates our turned wood and lacquerware in the heart of rural Japan. The father is the master crafter, the mother runs the business aspects, and the youngest daughter is apprenticing to continue the cultural tradition.  

For six generations, this family has perfected turning wood on a lathe and coating the wood in lacquer. Lacquerware is a unique Japanese tradition. When first applied, the sap has a matte finish that shines into a gloss with use. These heirloom pieces transform as you care for them.

Masayuki is an award-winning with exhibitions around the world. He learned from his father who waited 30 years, holding onto the same quality wood before he perfected his skill to be worthy to create his masterpiece.

Masayuki spent years perfecting his own masterpiece technique: a pendant light shade turned so thin the woodgrain glows through.

Treasure Hunting

Coordinate Goods is the recent realization of a long-standing dream founder Emily Fisher has had of turning their expertise and world travels as a geologist into a business being an "international treasure hunter." In addition to the products from Italy, Brazil, and Japan,

the company leverages an expansive international contact network on all seven continents, with particular strengths in:

Germany, the United Kingdom, Turkiye, Azerbaijan, Mexico, Canada, Jamaica, China, Thailand, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and (of course) the United States.

Let us find your next treasure!

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